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Welcome to join us, please send your resume to service@tech-sino.com, will connect with you as soon as possible.

C# senior programmer

Job Responsibilities:
1. Participate in the design of a software framwork, carry out the software development work, optimize the product performance, solve the core problems;
2. Participate in system required research and required analysis, write related technical documents;
3. System development testing, deployment, and integration;
4. Participate in code maintenance and backup;
Job Requirments
1. Work experience more than 3 years, familiar with NET Frameword4.0 and above;
2. Familiar with IIS, ASP NET WebForms, ASP NET MVC;
3. Have some experience in Css/javascript performance optimization and solving multi-browser compatibility problems;

Android engineer

Job Responsibilities:
1. According to product requirements to complete the Android App software design, coding and other work;
2. Continuously optimize product quality, performance, and user experience;
3. Other tasks assigned by superiors on a temporary basis;
Job Requirments:
1. Full-time university degree or above, major in computer, software or related;
2. 2 years or above experience in Android platform development, proficient in common open source libraries and third-party SDKs;
3. Familiar with the tools and methods of APP performance optimization on Android platform, with good code debugging ability;

Front-end UI design engineer

Job Responsibilities:
1. Responsible for the design community and development, maintenance and optimization of front-end Web and mobile interfaces;
2. Responsible for optimizing and refactoring front-end code and collating reusable code modules;
Job Requirments:
1. College degree or above, major in computer or related, more than 2 years working experience in full-time front-end development;
2. Familiar with JavaScript language, familiar with WeChat small program front-end development;
3. Familiar with the use of design tools such as Photoshop, Coredraw, AI, etc;

Java engineer

Job Responsibilities:
1. Familiar with the company's production line of business, understand the company's business processes, related system architecture;
2. Responsible for all kinds of business and technical transformation project, system analysis and design work, undertake the core function code writing, development and maintenance system Common Core module;
Job Requirments:
1. Bachelor degree or above, major in software, computer, communication, information security, network engineering, finance and taxation, more than 5 years of Java full-time development experience, internet finance or tax related work experience is preferred;
2. Familiar with object-oriented analysis and design technology, familiar with spring (Spring Boot, Spring cloud, etc.), mybatis and other framework systems, and research on source code;
3. Familiar with interface technology, RESTful API development experience;

IOS engineer

Job Responsibilities:
1. Design and develop apps on the iOS mobile side as needed;
2. Participate in the framework design of the mobile side;
Job Requirments:
1. Bachelor degree or above in computer science or related field, more than 2 years development experience in related fields;
2. Familiar with iOS system operation mechanism, proficient in OC;
3. Proficient in the use of Uikit, Calayer and other interface development;


Job Responsibilities:
1. Responsible for the management of enterprise asset allocation (including office equipment, office supplies), including inventory, maintenance, registration, etc;
2. Front desk telephone answering, customer visit registration work;
3. Handle employee entry and exit procedures, employee labor contract signing, renewal and management;
Job Requirments:
1. College degree or above;
2. Age 20-30 years old, more than 1.6 meters;
3. Decent appearance, fluent in Mandarin, strong expression ability, strong learning ability;
4. Proficient in office software;

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